March 30, 2013

Day 7. Ugh.

I'm not sure how this happens, but somewhere along the last week, the home stretch, I get lazy in my tracking.

Sure it doesn't help that it is a holiday weekend, but any given weekend there is something going on that involves decadent food.

Today, I wasn't completely proud of the choices I made....why did I sit in front of the bowl of jelly beans, pastel malted milk ball, chocolate m&m and plate of coconut bunny cake and Cadbury cream egg brownies? Sigh.

Maybe it was too big of a goal to try to start again before Easter? Or maybe it was a good thing since a almost full week of good choices maybe made up for an Easter weekend. Maybe looking at the big picture is better.

I guess we will see with the next weigh in.....

When you fall off the wagon, how do you get back on?

And with that, I leave you with this:

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