April 01, 2013

W2. Day 2. What is the Why?

Today, the Women's Networking Group at my place of work invited a speaker to talk to us about the importance if balance and healthy living. Yes, of course we all know that it is important, but this gentleman (yes, it was a man....I never understand why the featured speakers at many women's networking groups are men.....but whatever.) preached no processed foods, get enough sleep, move.

All these things we know. I know them. You know them, but change is hard.

The most important thing that Chris Johnson from On Target Living said, in my opinion was "make sure your WHY is bigger than your butt."

Here is the thing, all of us want to look and feel good, but is that what gets us to change? Many of us want more energy, to get off medications, to live longer, but that STILL doesn't answer WHY we want to break habits and make a new change.

So our task for today is to really think about WHY we want to make a change. And ask yourself, is that WHY big enough to actually do it?

What is your why? I'll tell you mine tomorrow..... Stay tuned. Until then,


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