Vegetables drawers that is.....
Green Beans
Cherry Tomatoes
Yellow Squash
Red Kale
Sweet Potatoes
Wheat Berries
That is a LOT of fresh produce! Have I mentioned how much I love my CSA?
Enterprise, we pick YOU up.
Every Thursday.
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We have our share, now this is where the fun begins. We get to plan out our meals!
Some things are already earmarked in my head. I have a lunch date with a friend, so I used the spinach and sweet potatoes (roasted) for a salad.
The beans, *I* loves raw beans, so some of them will stay that way and she can chomp all she wants. She already had some tonight. The rest, I am going to sauté with onions, oil and butter. Yum!
The chard, I am going to make that chard lentil soup again. We didn't even get to freeze any last time, David & I ate every single container of leftovers. We have some church peeps that could use some meals too, so between this and the parsnip soup, I think we'll have some food to pass on.
Squash gets steamed for the kids. They gobble that up. Easy peasey.
Tomatoes are for my salads. I'll do more with these once our tomatoes from our garden are ready to go.
Carrots - some will go for the chard soup and some will get sliced up for snacks with hummus during the week.
Radishes - same as carrots. Some go with salad, some with hummus. I might attempt the Green Bean and Radish Salad recipe that came in this week's share newsletter. Maybe.
Asparagus - I am thinking I'll just steam or roast it. But this might call for a special peek at the Rodale cookbook to see how we might make it into a main dish.
Wheat Berries - I am definitely going to try to make the Mushroom Wheat Berry Pilaf that from the newsletter. That looked mighty tasty!
So there you have it. Now that I know what I want to make, now it is a matter of when!
Happy cleanER cooking!