September 09, 2010

Three Things Thursday: Food Confessions

As the product  mainline protestant household...ok, more than just that....a double pk (preacher's kid) from the UCC ('slpains a lot, eh?)....I never had to go to confessional like my catholic-raised spouse did.  Confession was like a herd, everyone does it at the same place, same time.  

At my current, most awesome-est welcoming community in Somerville, MA, we put a little spin on confession time and it is one of the things that I like the most about the service.  The liturgist shares a story based on the the theme for the day that leads up to the unison prayer of confession. We get to hear a little bit about the life of one of the people we smile at or talk to at coffee hour, a transparent moment that is moving and helpful and then we all together get to read words related to the theme of the day/service. I like that we are all in it together and that the words are there so I don't have to think about it and can just reflect.  If you think that people wouldn't share, we actually have enough people in rotation that we only get to go up there about once a year!

Since this is a food blog and not church, you don't get to hear my transgressions (unless you come to church on Sept 19th, when I am the liturgist of the day) but instead my three food confessions.

1. Tuesday Dinner. Or lack there of. Tuesday night, I had a fridge full of yummy CSA veggies and a freezer full of pre-made single serving dinners.  Yet, my dinner was 1 1/2 McDonalds 49-cent ice-cream cones (I finished Simon's) and two pieces of toast (the bread the kids left from their dinner).  See how I threw in the $.49 to make me feel better about being cheap. Yea, that didn't help the sluggish run on Tuesday night from lack of good food in my bod. 

2. I never used a grill ever in my life until yesterday.  Yup. 30-something, self-reliant, gender-studies major, feminist that always had her spouse use it and never actually ever fired up a grill until I finally made that grilled eggplant, tomato basil salsa recipe yesterday.  You would think my first time using the grill I would cook up some MEAT.  But it was tomatoes and eggplant for me.  How did this happen, I have no clue, but I can guarandamntee I will be like Dr. Huxtable using the grill in the middle of the freakin' winter!  

3. I cut my kids crusts off a little to close to the sandwich part just so I can get a little bit more of their pb&j.  I know. I know. Oh and I fail miserably at "you bite it, you write it" when it comes to their "crusts."

So here is my unison prayer of food confession:

Gracious and loving God of all things including food,  we open our fridges to you.  
We confess that there have been times that we avoid the veggies, turn our noses up after sniffing 3 day old ricotta that should have been eaten 2 days ago and head for the pantry for cookies instead.  
Sometimes we chose the golden arches instead of golden raisins. 
Forgive us for not always going organic, trying new things or new methods of preparing your food especially when all it takes is a twist of the nob and a push of a button. And forgive us when we suddenly remember while blogging that we forgot to shut off the propane tank and have to text our spouses so that they can do it for us.  
Help us see that our children need their sandwiches whole and that our bootays don't need the extra crust calories.  Heal us from the colds we inevitably catch when we hastily chose to what is left on their plates...ewwww...rather than give them a proper compost send off.
Make us willing to eat food.  Real food. With the occasional dollop of nutella. mmmm...nutella, written down of course. And help us create peace, justice and fabulous new recipes for us, our families and our friends. 

Anything you would like to confess?  I'd love to read your comments!  


Delane said...

this was great....


all fruit (excluding bananas) no matter the size are 1 point
all bananas no matter the size are 1.5 points

cream in my coffee is 1 point matter if I measure it

I count points in my head more often than logging them

All veggies are -0- points no matter if I eat a pound of tomatoes or oz

Sarah B. said...

I recently ate a big grab bag of cheetos. The whole thing. It had been over 20 years since I'd last had a cheeto. And the grossest part was that I was reminded that if one doesn't clean one's fingers off while eating a big grab of cheetos then at the end there is enough cheeto dust on one's fingers to equal a whole extra cheeto.

Amy F. said...

I may have to "creatively resource" this prayer of confession at the next potluck! Or at the very least hang it in the church kitchen. ;^D

My food the last few months I have shifted to clean food, CSA veggies and added serious exercise (kayaking.) I've lost 5 inches from my waist, but not one pound.

Yesterday I joined Weight Watchers - because I'm ready to lose the extra 67 pounds I'm carrying, and certain that portion sizes need to be learned. For perspective on 67 lbs, that is 2 times the weight of my overweight beagle, and just one pound short of the weight of my 14 foot kayak. YIKES.

Thanks for blogging from the Outer Aisle!

katie howard said...

I love reading your blog, and laughed out loud at your food prayer. especially the part about the golden arches.