May 17, 2010

Inside garden. That isn't supposed to happen.

It has been so cold the last two weeks, and two frost warnings this last week, that I was happy that I wasn't able to get the plants in the ground until Saturday.  The inside of my house looked like a green house.  

Cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes, peas and garden beans lined the dining room window.

Lettuce, strawberries, more garden beans and spinach over here in the living  room.
And in the kitchen, cucumbers, watermelon, oregano, rosemary, cilantro, thyme and dill are on the sill.  Dill, sill that rhymes. You'd think I have a pre-schooler or two in the house.  

1 comment:

Delane said...

what the heck is up with the weather?

I'm so ready for summer!